> [!info] Currently Job Seeking > I am currently seeking a job in Canada and I am open to opportunities across various industries. If you believe I can be a valuable addition to your team and would like to collaborate, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. ![[logo.jpg| center profile+medium | 300]] <center style="color: #888888;">^ Me and my girl friend Natalie.</center> I constantly find myself pondering the question, "What can I do to contribute and make the world a better place?" The answer eludes me, yet I have taken to writing down my thoughts, hoping that one day my introspective journey may prove beneficial to anyone who comes across it. > Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. - Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) ![Hananoshika Yomaru Channel Intro - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jPrqFYhWdw&ab_channel=YomaruHananoshika) ## Start Browsing the Website This website is huge. You might be confused on how to start browsing. But I can suggest you: 1. Read the [902 🙆‍♂️ About me](902%20🙆‍♂️%20About%20me) to learn about me. 2. Read the [[904 ✴️ Index](904%20✴️%20Index.md) . It tells you the general structure of the website. 3. Read the pages inside the `Featured` folder, I selected some good entrance points ⬇️. 4. Use the search bar. The search is a very powerful and handy way to go to the page you want. 5. Use the graph. Freely dive into any idea. > [!green] Some good entrance points > - [🎓 My Education](000%20Featured/🎓%20My%20Education.md) > - [My Job application](300%20Finance/My%20Job%20application.md) > - [🔥 My projects](000%20Featured/🔥%20My%20projects.md) > - [🫰 My Testimonials](000%20Featured/🫰%20My%20Testimonials.md) ## My Social Media - [![[bento-logo.svg | 15]] Bento](https://bento.me/yomaru) - [![[twitter logo.png| 15]] Twitter](https://twitter.com/yomaru_1999) - [![[instagram logo.png| 15]] Instagram](https://instagram.com/yomaru_1999) - [![[facebook logo.png | 15]]Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/mlkyeung) - [![|15](https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/linkedin-icon.svg) Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yeung-man-lung/) - [![ | 15](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fba81cfff-7bc5-4aef-866e-864d0942c42d_1000x1000.png) Substack](https://yomaru.substack.com/) - [![ | 15](https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/youtube-icon.svg) Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCufz_4pffuIJwIS6dGXag9A) - [![ | 15](https://cal.com/favicon-32x32.png) Cal.com](https://cal.com/manlung) ## Sponsor My Work - [![| 15](https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/github-icon.svg) Github Sponsor](https://github.com/sponsors/HananoshikaYomaru) - [![| 15](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48571264/261881092-351b849a-32c4-4a6a-b729-69e54e0afd48.svg) Buy me a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/yomaru) ## Book a Meeting with Me <button data-cal-link="manlung/quick-chat" type="button" data-cal-config='{"layout":"month_view"}'>Book a meeting</button> ## Follow My Newsletter > [!green] ### Wanna be an expert of Obsidian? Wanna be more productivity? Wanna be wise on life? Subscribe to my newsletter 👍 > 1. daily tips of using obsidian > 2. daily productivity tips / life hacks > 3. daily update of my vault, some news notes coming out > > <center> > <a class="font-serif text-2xl no-underline" href="https://yomaru.substack.com/"> > <h3> > Strong Foundation</h3> > </a> > <div id="custom-substack-embed"></div> > </center> > > > [!yellow] Still preparing ⏳. Subscribe to stay tuned %% [Substack Archive Feed Embed - Your newsletter on your website (substackapi.com)](https://substackapi.com/feed) %% <div id="substack-feed-embed"></div> ## Subscribe to This Website by RSS ![| 15](https://www.svgrepo.com/show/25140/rss.svg) ![Sites resources](900%20Others/Sites%20resources.md#rss) ## Leave Me a Message ❤️ %% <iframe src="https://tally.so/embed/3xM6Eo?alignLeft=1&hideTitle=1&transparentBackground=1&dynamicHeight=1" width="100%" height="600" title="Yomaru.dev"></iframe> %% ![[🫰 My Testimonials]]